Download Driver Game For Pc

Nov 23, 2017  Bus Driver PC Game Free Download is a fun and entertaining game available for all driving enthusiasts. Though the game doesn’t use the best graphics, it has an addictive gameplay and can offer a great gaming experience for the players. Bus Driver PC Game Free Download It has been developed and published by SCS Software and was released in 2007.

Platforms:PC, Mac, PlayStation
Publisher:GT Interactive
Developer:Reflections Interactive
Genres:Racing / Arcade Racing
Release Date:June 30, 1999
Game Modes:Singleplayer

GT Interactive’s cops n’ robbers driving game needs more substance.

Driver is a tease. Initially, it overwhelms you with its premise and atmosphere, strutting its superb vehicle dynamics. It’s an interactive version of the best of the gritty 70s and 80s car chase movies. But over time its flaws emerge, ranging from the relatively minor (it cheeses out on its premise, putting you as someone infiltrating a crime syndicate as opposed to actually being a criminal) to the major (terrible and repetitive missions, insane difficulty levels, bugs).

At times the game will surprise you with its sleek 3D look and visual appeal, mocking you with its untapped potential (it could have easily been a GTA killer, if only for the 3D engine and driving physics). It’s realistic enough to give you that feeling of driving two tons of corpulent 1970s American iron. It also delivers a bunch of entertaining gameplay variants, from Pursuit (catch and ram ’em!) to Getaway (flee as fast as you can!).

On The Road To Nowhere

The visuals are very bright and flashy.

These don’t really give you much in the way of substance, however, so you’re stuck with the main “Undercover” mode of play to deliver any depth. It features branching missions set up by poorly rendered cut scenes featuring a virtual catalog of racial stereotypes (at least they’re equal opportunity offenders). The missions would fare a lot better if you weren’t forced to play most of them over and over again. They vary wildly in quality and difficulty, regardless whether they’re at the beginning or near the very end of the game. In fact, don’t be too surprised if you’re completely unable to complete the very first mission, which requires you to do a series of difficult driving stunts.

Download Bus Driving Game For Pc

Time limits are the main source of difficulty in the game, and they’re as annoying as always. On a few rare occasions they make sense (you need to be someplace to pick up guys who are robbing a store, though you’d think they would have phoned ahead and planned it out a little better), but for the most part they’re completely artificial.

This sense of artifice carries over to your main protagonists, the police. Their cars have superhuman handling and appear out of nowhere. Within seconds of tripping a siren, you’ll find roadblocks ahead. They’re also a bigger public nuisance than any crime syndicate, recklessly plowing through the streets and incoming traffic (much like in Midtown Madness).

On the plus side, Driver does a fabulous job of creating interesting city environments. While none of the real-world towns modeled are accurate, they’re full of twists and turns that make for a lot of driving fun, and the bright colors really give them a positive vibe. But the flaws are numerous, although a great many could be attributed to the game’s console origins. At times Driver is quite entertaining, and you may find yourself wanting to load it up for a minute to do some cruising and get in a few chases. Ultimately, though, all of its shortcomings do a pretty good job of overwhelming its strengths.

System Requirements: Pentium 200 Mhz, 32 MB RAM, 188 MB HDD, Windows 95/98

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People say:

Download Driver Game For PcDownload Driver Game For Pc

Thankfully the sequel rectifies most of Driver's niggly little problems--except the slowdown, which is worse now because of the incredibly ambitious nature of the admittedly very splendid graphics. The weird, all-over-the-place mission structure has been refined into something far more linear and appropriate, and this has been matched with a more effective use of cutscenes for storytelling. The whole 'vibe' of the game is much grittier and more aggressive than the first, and the linear nature really helps motivate you to work through the missions. Although you don't have to prove your worth this time (hands up who hated the garage scene at the beginning of, two, yep, right, that's everyone), the levels are really tough almost right from the beginning. Cops and bad guys are even more psychotic than before (if that's possible), and I have to say that it can get really annoying when you have to retry missions over and over because some nutjob keeps smashing you off the road. The objectives are more varied this time though, making a much more interesting experience; chase people, run away from others, escape from thugs who want to shoot you in the face and tail bad guys on their way to a 'drop.' It stays compelling throughout, and there are tons of extra modes (like survival, chase and even two-player modes) to ensure this is a high-value game (it even comes on two discs).

If this game had been on more capable hardware (Dreamcast or PS2, hello!) it might have earned a better score. It offers engaging mission objectives, a great sense of urgency, a well-crafted story line, and a lot more diversity (i.e., secret cars to use) than the first game. So what's my beef? How about a frame-rate so bogged down by the overly-ambitious concepts in Driver 2 that it almost seems like it*s in slow motion. Curved roads are swell, but with popup so bad that entire buildings appear out of nowhere, you want to scream. The control is fine and the game is really fun, but the engine struggles so mightily you wish it a painless death.

Download Beamng Drive Game For Pc

Perhaps I'm just jaded these days, but with an office full of beautiful Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 games, seeing any title, even one as fun as Driver 2, plagued with slowdown and pop-up just irks me. Badly. Why wasn't this game released on the PS2? Nearly every element is great, from the physics to level design, but it's hard to forgive huge buildings materializing right in front of you with no warning. If you can get over the graphics (which was hard for me), you'll find an incredibly enjoyable game underneath. It's madly challenging at times. The gameplay is still topnotch, but it just leaves me wanting a PS2 version even more.