Freebsd Usb Wifi

How To Set Up A FreeBSD Wireless Access Point. This document will guide you on how to use a FreeBSD system as a wireless access point. This is intended to supplement the FreeBSD Handbook and not replace it. Getting FreeBSD to act as a wireless access point involves the following steps. How To Set Up A FreeBSD Wireless Access Point. This document will guide you on how to use a FreeBSD system as a wireless access point. This is intended to supplement the FreeBSD Handbook and not replace it. Getting FreeBSD to act as a wireless access point involves the following steps: Make sure your installation includes hostapd and named (BIND).

Active3 months ago

I am trying to write FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img to a USB flash drive, in the hopes of installing FreeBSD on an x64 computer in my house. Here is the image:

I have searched up how to write .img files to a USB flash drive, with most sites saying to use Unetbootin, Startup Disk Creator, or the dd command. When I plugged in and selected the flash drive after using Unetbootin, I received the message 'Missing operating system'. With Disk Creator, I received a message telling me that Disk Creator couldn't write the image to the flash drive.

Freebsd Realtek Usb Wifi

As for the dd command, I used this: dd if=FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img of=/dev/sdb1 bs=10240 conv=sync, which I got from here and here. The command writes a bunch of garbage files to my flash drive, instead of the contents of the FreeBSD image (which I assume wouldn't be garbage files).

Freebsd Intel Wireless

How should I go about writing FreeBSD to the flash drive and installing it to my computer, given that these options didn't work?

Freebsd Wireless


2 Answers

Assuming you are using dd within FreeBSD or Linux:

Using Linux:


1) umount /dev/sdb

If your USB stick is under /dev/sdb

2) dd if=FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img of=/dev/sdb bs=10240

Using (Free)BSD:

1) umount /dev/da0

If your USB stick is under /dev/da0

2) dd if=FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img of=/dev/da0 bs=1m

Please note the of=/dev/sdb argument as you are supposed to write to the whole stick instead of its first partition.

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The same is true of of=/dev/da0. But please note that da is typically the prefix for USB port devices on (Free)BSD. Which means that it might just as well be da1. So make sure to check beforehand. :)

Easiest way would be to compare the results of an ls /dev before and after plugging/unplugging your flash drive/USB stick.

3) Now reboot and choose the USB stick as the boot option.


If you are trying to write the image to USB on Windows, try Rufus. Choose your USB drive under Device, check Create a bootable disk using and select DD Image from the drop down, browse to the image file and hit Start.

It is unclear from your description if your problem is solely with drive creation or with booting off a USB key that is likely good (the dd version should be good judging by the command and assuming sdb was the right device)


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