Game Icons For Windows

  • Games windows Icons - Download 993 Free Games windows icons @ IconArchive. Search more than 600,000 icons for Web & Desktop here.
  • Windows 10 and the earlier editions as well allow change folder background picture, images, and icons. You can modify the contents of a folder after you select a template in a dropdown such as General items, Documents, etc. See a guide to do the same. Customize Folder Pictures, Icons in Windows 10.

Windows 7 Forums is the largest help and support community, providing friendly help and advice for Microsoft Windows 7 Computers such as Dell, HP, Acer, Asus or a custom build. My icons were crap when I installed the game and want to change them, but it says the picture has to be an icon.

Active4 years ago

I've created my own Games folder on my data drive and i'd like to add a picture to the default folder icon: Right-Click on Folder > Properties > Customize > Folder Pictures > Choose File...

I'd like that picture to be the games icon in Windows 7 but I don't know where it is. I've attached a screen capture of the games icon, but the system version will have an alpha channel and already be on the system, which is better than using this screen capture.

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2 Answers

Game Icons For Windows

Game Folder Icons For Windows 10

Der HochstaplerDer Hochstapler
70.1k51 gold badges239 silver badges292 bronze badges

The icon is also stored in %windir%system32gameux.dll

You can find the icon's resource file by doing the following:

Icons For Windows Desktop

  1. Search for Games in the Start Menu

  2. Right-clickGames Explorer

  3. ClickChange Icon...

Free Game Icons For Windows 10


Game Icons For Windows 7

20k11 gold badges68 silver badges114 bronze badges

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