Lenovo Fan Test Windows 10

I have a rather peculiar problem on a windows 10 upgraded notebook:

Nov 27, 2015  I get no warning sounds, and it doesn't feel hot.at this moment. but I don't know where to look or turn to test to see if it is working using Windows 10. I've had Nothing but problems since installing Windows 10. Any suggestions for a computer newb to go & test my fan out other than a shop? Dec 30, 2015  Download Thinkpad Fan Controller (tpfancontrol) for free. Solution to the cooling fan noise annoyances Thinkpad T4x (T40/T41/T42/T43) notebook series. Allows the user to control fan activity based on the system temperature.

The system consists of a VAIO SZ4 Laptop, Intel Core(2) 2,13 Ghz, 4BG Ram and SSD.

Every single time at cold system start, the CPU fan start going crazy, speeding up to maximum noise, rumbling and rattling and audibly overspeeding the fan bearings.

After a few seconds (usually 30-60 seconds) when the system is fully up and operating, teh CPU fan calms down and runs at usual speed, with low noise and no significant audible distortions, even when high performance programs are run.


Nevertheless, because of the initial high speed uncontrolled run, I have the suspicion that the bearings of the fan will deteriorate soon and create addition running noise even during regular operation.

My investigations (with a HW low level fan control tool) indicate that windows 10 is maximizing the fan current until the mainboard is reporting valid data on CPU temperature and three other measuring points on the system board.

The fan control tool is displaying an unknown temperature at the measuring points at cold start and a few seconds after the mainboard reports valid temperature ranges, windows 10 is starting to level the fan down to reasonable speeds.

It is remarkable that this is only occuring with windows 10, I had before Windows 7 and Linux installed and neither of those displayed this behavior.

unfortunately, there is no way to control the fan speed in BIOS, so I need a specific solution for the OS, otherwise windows 10 will be kicked off this PC.

Thanks in advance for any good advice,

Active1 year, 11 months ago

My Lenovo laptop used to turn off its fan in Windows 7, this would save a lot of energy and battery would last maybe about 2 times more.

Dell Laptop Fan Test

After upgrading to Windows 10 however it never turns off.

Fan Speed Windows 10

I wonder how can I fix it and what is the reason of this problem.

I've tried using dust removal of Lenovo energy management software, it speeds up fan for a while and in Windows 7, I would have silent fans afterwards but it's useless in Windows 10.


It was an Intel Graphic's driver bug and it's fixed now, if you're having this issue you need to update your Windows.


Lenovo Windows 10 Download

2 Answers

Maybe try this guy in advanced power settings? Windows 10 upgrade defaulted my power settings, and if you're on 'high performance' IIRC it will be set to active.

Arthur KayArthur Kay

I had the same problem using a Dell Latitude Core i7, after upgrading to Windows 10, the Fan was running continuously in high speed mode, very annoying, I just switched from Balance power option to Power Saver, Problem solved, the fan runs in low speed most of the time and only when processor is pushed to the limit it speeds up for short periods of time.

Cpu Fan Test Software


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