Microsoft Excel Graphs Tutorial

Excel spreadsheets are all about numbers. But tons of numbers are often not the most effective way to communicate.

How to Make a Line Graph in Microsoft Excel. This wikiHow teaches you how to create a line graph from Microsoft Excel data. This wikiHow teaches you how to create.

That’s where charts come in handy. Charts can display numeric data in a graphical format, making it easy to understand large quantities of data and the relationships among data.

If you want to learn about Excel charts, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve pulled together out best tutorials and articles on charts to get you started.

  1. Create a chart from start to finish

    This tutorial covers all the basics, including, 1) getting to know the elements of a chart, 2) modifying a basic chart to meet your needs, 3) applying a predefined chart layout and chart style for a professional look, 4) adding eye-catching formatting to a chart, and 5) reusing charts by creating chart templates.

  2. Free training: Take the next steps in growing your Excel skills (Lesson 2)

    In Lesson 2 of the Excel Skills Builder, you learn about how to create a chart and other ways to visualize your data. (The Excel Skills Builder is a training series of short videos (typically under 5 minutes each) that give you an overview of a task or feature in Excel.)

  3. Go beyond the basic chart type

    Excel comes with lots of chart types, including column, line, pie, and so on. However, many of you asked for more information about other kinds of charts. This post covers how to work with floating column charts, Gantt charts, combination charts, and organization charts.

  4. Can’t find the Chart Wizard? No worries

    It’s true that Excel 2007 and Excel 2010 didn’t include the Chart Wizard. For those of you using or upgrading to Excel 2010, this post explains where to find the chart functions on the Ribbon.

  5. Use sparklines to show data trends

    A sparkline is a tiny chart in a worksheet cell that provides a visual representation of data. Use sparklines to show trends in a series of values, such as seasonal increases or decreases or to highlight maximum and minimum values. This tutorial explains 1) what sparklines are, 2) why you should use them, 3) how to create one, and 4) how to customize them.

  6. Line or scatter chart?

    That’s a good question! Choosing the wrong chart type for your data can easily happen when it comes to line and scatter charts. They look very similar, especially when a scatter chart is displayed with connecting lines, but there is a big difference in the way each of these chart types plots data along the horizontal and vertical axes.

  7. Format column sparkline charts using the date axis and cell merging

    Sparkline charts are great, but there may be times they need to be visually enhaced to maximize their usefulness. This post shows you one way to do that.

  8. Combining Chart Types, Adding a Second Axis

    Often, you’ll find it is useful to create charts which compare and analyze different types of data. For example, you might want to compare share price with trading volume. In Excel, you can make a chart easier to understand by using different chart types in the same chart, and by using a secondary vertical axis to plot values that are in a different value range. You can read this post to learn how, or you can watch this video: Combine two or more chart types in a chart

If haven’t found what you’re looking for, leave a comment, and we’ll see if we can write another blog post.

  • Advanced Excel Charts Tutorial
  • Advanced Excel Charts Resources
  • Selected Reading
Microsoft Excel Graphs Tutorial

Excel charts are an efficient means to visualize the data to convey the results. In addition to the chart types that are available in Excel, some application charts are popular and widely used. In this tutorial, you will learn about these advanced charts and how you can create them in Excel.

This guide targets people who want to use graphs or charts in presentations and help people understand data quickly. Whether you want to make a comparison, show a relationship, or highlight a trend, these charts help your audience “see” what you are talking about.

Microsoft Excel Graphs Tutorial Free

Microsoft excel graphs tutorial for beginners

Microsoft Excel Graphs Tutorial Youtube

Among its many features, Microsoft Excel enables you to incorporate charts, providing a way to add visual appeal to your business reports.

Microsoft Excel Graphs Tutorial


Microsoft Excel Graphs Templates

Before you proceed with this tutorial, we are assuming that you are already aware of the basics of Microsoft Excel charts. If you are not well aware of these concepts, then we will suggest you to go through our short tutorial on Excel charts.