Use Hamachi To Play Minecraft

Active6 months ago

Minecraft's got an 'Open to LAN' feature, which can be used to set up a local server when two computers running Minecraft are on the same network. Some young relatives of mine use this to play together whenever they're in the same house, but they'd like to be able to play together from their respective residences.

A server is not optimal because it's a bit complex. I've tried using Tunngle to spoof that the computers are on the same connection to no avail.

How can I convince Minecraft's 'Open to LAN' that their two separate computers are on the same network?

Minecraft server using hamachi

Mar 19, 2011  hello, my friend wants to start a server but he doesnt have a 'legal' version of minecraft but i want to play minecraft with him, so ive heard of something called hamachi so what is it exactly and how do i use it? If you already have a server running please would you like to share the details, dont mind what kind of server it is.

ian5vUse Hamachi To Play Minecraftian5v
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3 Answers

Using Hamachi, here's how I solved the problem.

How To Use Hamachi To Play Minecraft


  • Join a Hamachi Network on both computers
  • Hit Open to LAN on one (the host)
  • Join hamachi-ip:port in direct connect Minecraft option, where port is the port listed by the host Minecraft when you hit Open to LAN, and the IP is the Hamachi IP of the host device.
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You need a VPN. Tunngle is a good solution for games if you can deal with the ads, otherwise use Hamachi if you're prepared for the possibility of having to deal with configuring adapter priority. Hamachi is a lot more friendly toward creating private networks, which is a plus if you don't want your server to be raided by strangers.

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How To Use Hamachi For Minecraft

I haven't tried it yet but looks interesting.

One side would run this program, and give the other side its internet IP and the port number, and then the other side should be able to connect as if it was a normal server.

Douglas LeederDouglas Leeder

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Decide what server is right for you.

Play Minecraft With Hamachi

There are several things you'll want to pay attention to when selecting a server. Different servers offer wildly-different experiences, and most will have descriptions that you can read. Look for a few important details before picking a server to try:

Use Hamachi For Minecraft

  • Game type - While many servers offer the standard Minecraft gameplay, there are lots of servers with all kinds of game modes. These range from capture the flag to in-character role-playing, and everything in between.
  • Whitelist - If a server operates a whitelist, it only accepts users that have been registered. This usually means you'll need to create an account on the server's website in order to connect.
  • Population - This is the number of people currently playing, as well as the maximum number of people. Keep in mind that you may not actually be playing with all of these people. Servers often split large populations onto multiple servers.
  • PvP - This stands for 'Player vs. Player', and means that players can attack each other. These can be tough servers if you're new to the game.
  • Uptime - This is how often the server is online and available. If you plan to play online a lot, you'll want to find a server with an uptime of 95% or better.